Rising Above Daily
Youth Ranch
A Safe Haven for kids to find Hope, Peace, & Freedom
Basketball Training Mentorship
Rising Above Daily and Vancouver Elite Outreach are partnering to provide mentorship through basketball training at Grace Foursquare Church in Camas. Come get high-quality basketball training, personal growth, time to play games, dinner included, and a message from the Word of God.
Our Mission
"We provide a safe haven where kids can find connection, Christ, and the courage to rise above life’s daily challenges and discover hope, healing, and peace."
Ehren & Kia Plummer, Founders
Providing a safe haven!
Our Vision
"The vision of Rising Above Daily is to utilize a free-of-charge youth ranch to stand in the gap on behalf of our youth; providing a safe haven and positive community, where kids can find hope, peace and freedom.”
Ehren & Kia Plummer, Founders
Our Key Verse
“Now you should understand that it is never the desire of your heavenly Father that a single one of these little ones should be lost”
– Matthew 18:14