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Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us!

Please complete the following application to be added to our list of potential local volunteers. We will contact you as quickly as possible after receiving your application to discuss current volunteer opportunities.

If you would prefer to submit your application in the mail, you can print it when completed and send it to the following address:

Rising Above Daily Youth Ranch
ATTN: Volunteer Coordinator
1111 NE 267th Ave.
Camas, WA 98607

Our Key Verse

“Now you should understand that it is never the desire of your heavenly Father that a single one of these little ones should be lost”

Contact Information



Please complete the following section to the best of your knowledge. We understand that schedules change, please simply indicate when and how you would like to make yourself available.
You may select one or both of the following options.
Please check the days of the week you would like to volunteer. If you are able, include the approximate time you would be able to arrive and depart on the days you have listed. (9-5:30 p.m.)
AM, PM or Both
How many hours per week would you be able to dedicate?

Specific Areas of Interest

These potential roles help us understand your gifts and passions. Please select all that apply.
Which programs are you interested in volunteering for?


Other Questions

How did you hear about Rising Above Daily Youth Ranch (RADYR)?
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