Rising Above Daily
Youth Ranch

A Safe Haven for kids to find Hope, Peace, & Freedom

Basketball Training Mentorship

Rising Above Daily and Vancouver Elite Outreach are partnering to provide mentorship through basketball training at Grace Foursquare Church in Camas. Come get high-quality basketball training, personal growth, time to play games, dinner included, and a message from the Word of God.

Our Mission

"We provide a safe haven where kids can find connection, Christ, and the courage to rise above life’s daily challenges and discover hope, healing, and peace."

Providing a safe haven!

Our Vision

"The vision of Rising Above Daily is to utilize a free-of-charge youth ranch to stand in the gap on behalf of our youth; providing a safe haven and positive community, where kids can find hope, peace and freedom.”

Our Key Verse

“Now you should understand that it is never the desire of your heavenly Father that a single one of these little ones should be lost”

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